
Causes are:

Coral atoll containing 33 islands. 100 000 people live there.
The average height above sea level is less than 2m
They produced that their country will be under water by 2030!!!
It is hard for them to grow any food due to salivation. As when the water rises they receive salt in their crops!!!
The county will be uninhabitable long before it is sunk underwater.
All the water comes from underground. This means that all the waste for the land will seep into the underground water that they use and contaminate this.
The government is training his people to leave the country. Through education and training programs.
Other governments are providing education for this country. Australia has provided money for their country to receive some medical and nurse training.
Kiribati is a very Christian county.
Notes on: Tuberculosis Kiribati
300 people per 100000 people in Kiribati have tuberculosis. The world health organisation’s sees an issue if there is over 25 per 100000. Kiribati is well over this limit. The diseases are spread by coughing. This is a huge problem as Kiribati is overcrowded and disease spreads quickly. On average there are over 13people per household. There are 4 specials nurses who are dedicated to going out and identify people diagnosed with tuberculosis. They are funded by the Australian health organisation.
These nurses make sure these people receive help and isolate them while they receive help. So that they cannot give the disease to more people. Australian is also helping to build a lab and a pharmacy. This is thought to decrease this problem by 30%.
note taking: Wheelcharis
Wheelchairs for students with special needs in kiribati, Australia volenteers international
Note taking: Nurses of Kiribati
the kiribis austraian nurses enisiative, are allowing some students from Kiribati to undertake a nursing degree at the university in Brisbane. this project is founded by Oz aid. the nursing program is in response to climte change. it is so that they can help their community nd if the need occurs they can migrate with some skills at hand. so that they are useful to the country they migrate too. the nurses recieve 4 months of training in Kiribati and then more training in Brisbain at the university of Grithif. the Kiribati people are training their citizens as Nurses as their are not enough nurses all over the world.
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